Sunday, November 4, 2007

Music Analysis 3

Hello world! Decided to include a 3rd analysis as my first one wasn't very thorough. i had to learn how to sing this song for one of my NTU electives "Magic of voice in the world of a singer", and we were all given the piano score for it. i was looking through it and then i realised that the chord progression fit into the harmonic phrase model! haha so yeah, presenting All I ask of you from Phantom of the Opera.

All I ask of you
Music by: Andrew Lloyd Webber
Lyrics by: Charles Hart and Richard Stilgoe

Chord Progression: I-I7-IV64-vii-V6-I
Harmonic Function: T-T-PD-(D)-D-T
.Tonic expansion is observed as the song progresses from chord I to I7. Chord IV comes thereafter, functioning as the predominant. Chord vii acts as a dominant substitute due to the presence of leading note Cflat, which helps listeners establish the key. Chord V follows, prolonging the dominant function. Chord I acts as the tonic, which ends the Harmonic Phrase Model.

Nonharmonic tones:
APT- Accented Passing tone
.APT E in bars 1,2 and 5, G in bar 4.
PT- Passing tone
.Unaccented PT G in bar 3
NN- Neighbour note
.Upper NN A in bar 4
.Lower NN D in bars 1,2 and 5

ET- Escape tone
.F in bars 3 and 4

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